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Svensk Öl och Svensk-ägd Öl Bodega i Barcelona

Glatt strosande i Sant Pere en ljum sommarkväll, hade SIB nöjet att stöta på en liten pärla som måste spridas; svenskägda (till 50%) La Beata Craft Beer Shop.

De andra 50%en (katalanska procent) skrev oss några rader om deras koncept…

“La Beata opened mid-April 2016, so we’ve only been open for a couple of months. The neighbours are getting to know us and we’re slowly building an audience of customers who are eager to taste new beers with the comfort of enjoying them at home. We started with a selection of 100 different beers and now we’re at around 180. Not only regular bottles but also larger ones for special occasions, or very thirsty customers!

Our main focus is on locally produced beers. The craft beer scene in Catalunya, and Spain in general, is very interesting at the moment. Many great brews are being made and it’s only natural that we try to find the best beers possible.

We also have a wide assortment of international beers, including of course the great Belgian beers, as well as German, Dutch, British, Italian, American, Danish, Norweigian, and Swedish brews. Our Scandinavian beer brands include Mikkeller (Denmark), Nøgne and 7Fjell (Norway), and Omnipollo (Sweden).


The whole idea behind opening the store is basically to have it as a hobby, one that we’re very interested in. We get to learn about new beers every day, and have the opportunity to speak with other people that have the same passion. We have several ideas about how to improve the store and expand the services we can offer, only time will tell where we end up!”

Killarna är passionerade och kunniga, och en visit till La Beata är en väldigt bra start på en trevlig utekväll i stan. Detta är vetenskapligt bevisat!

SIB fick dessutom ta del av en personlig tasting session some kändes minst lika intressant och smakfyllt som en ‘degustation’ i Champagne!

La Beata har stängt sista veckan i Juli och första i Augusti, så passa på nu!

Adress: carrer de les Beates 1, 08003 Barcelona

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodegalabeata/

Hemsida: www.bodegalabeata.com


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